Fee-free, but cellular. How?!

Learn how you and your customers can get things connected via cellular without paying a monthly fee.

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android

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iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android

We aim to create a solution - not a moneybox

How do devices get cellular connectivity? If it is not CDMA or sim-on-chip, then the device has a slot for a SIM card. If you buy a SIM card without a monthly fee, but only pay for the texts or data you use, then you have a fee-free solution. It that's simple. But there is a big 'but' - device must not be locked.

  • We do NOT lock

    You or your customer choose your operator.

  • We are here to help

    Whenever you cannot find a suitable connectivity solution, we are here to help. We will contract with the best mobile solution providers to keep the cost to you and your customers down to a minimum.

    Read this post about the progress we've made with our iSocket project to date.